Relationship Matters
The root of compassion is not empathy; that is kindness. Kindness is great, but it is not the ultimate compassion. Ultimate compassion relieves the suffering that comes from separateness. The suffering that comes from separateness is relieved only when you are fully present with another person, not when you are separately present.
Ram Dass

About the Relationship Matters Program

Your childhood patterns can prevent you from building a healthy relationship based on secure attachment as an adult. By learning self-awareness, and learning about your triggers, beliefs, and the stories you carry, deeply wounded relationships can be transformed, and old patterns can be shifted.
This program invites you to learn how to connect on a deeper level, what your triggers are, how to shift old patterns, how to take ownership, and how to be present with your partner and children. Learning how to become an ally of your partner and walk this journey together, can be the most beautiful and intimate adventure.
By recognizing these old patterns, learning self-awareness, you can make changes, shift from old habits and feelings, and learn something new, something better.

This program is for you if
You want to start a committed relationship and build a connection based on secure attachment and create a marriage that supports and serves you.
If you seek love, care, emotional security, deep friendship, and happiness in your relationship, but instead you bump into painful patterns, endless arguments, and disconnect.
If you find that you are frequently triggered by your partner.
If you wish to understand why you find yourself in similar painful situations/ relationships over-and-over again.
If you would like to explore and heal the subconscious patterns that drive your actions.
If you want to explore who you are underneath your childhood programming and become free.
This program
The basic program is six online sessions. The advanced program is six sessions as well. For those who complete the 12 weeks program, we offer in-person workshops, where couples and individuals can deepen their experience of connection through somatic exercises. We also offer retreats several times a year at different locations.